We all know that your wedding day isn’t just a formality. It’s a celebration of the decision you two are making. You have enough on your plate planning your day. You should have someone else help you make the ceremony and rest of your life amazing.

Craig McKibbon is a well sought after wedding officiant with over 20 years of experience. His sense of humour, fresh outlook on life and marriage, and uplifting personality puts all those involved at ease and makes for a great day.

Craig’s philosophy of weddings is simple. He doesn’t just believe in the wedding day… he believes in the entire marriage. Weddings can be done by almost anyone. Craig believes that couples deserve his best so that they have the best chance of making the marriage last.

His unique and standalone approach has helped couples make their marriages LAST. He constantly hears from married couples as to how his approach has given them the tools they needed to have a healthy marriage and life.

He also is very flexible with couple’s requests. He knows that there are technically only a few things that ‘need’ to transpire to make the marriage official. The rest are the elements of the ceremony and personal touches that make your wedding stand out in everyone else’s memory.

Also being a chaplain for the Ontario Provincial Police helps Craig know how to be sensitive to people’s diverse religious and / or non-religious views and works with couples to respect their requests as to how they want to ceremony to be done. At the end of the day… it’s your day being celebrated.

Craig’s approach not only makes the ceremony special, but it makes the entire marriage special as well… and the reviews to prove it. Here are some recent comments from couples:

“R” and I just wanted to thank you so much for making the ceremony amazing! Your words of encouragement were perfect for us! Throughout the evening so many people said you were amazing and asked if you were a family friend because it was so beautiful and personal!

Thank you so much for everything yesterday. You made everything run so smoothly and added some humour, which we loved! We couldn’t have asked for a more perfect day, it was so unreal. Thank you!!

Fees include: consultation sessions, travel (if non-local), rehearsal & wedding ceremony. Discounts will be given for non-weekend dates.

Check out a few resources:

Read this article “Read This Before Choosing Your Officiant”. It outlines things that you may want to think about / rethink about when choosing who “you” want to be involved in “your” wedding.

Watch Craig and his wife Kerry talk to his church where Kerry shares how to make marriage work at the beginning here.

Check out Craig’s Facebook page ( with some comments from couples (the page was recently created so the comments are from recent weddings).

There are still just a few dates for the remainder of 2019 and already booking into 2020. 

Don’t let someone who doesn’t matter to you make your marriage official. You’re worth more than that. Let someone come alongside you and celebrate it with you!